Wednesday, July 27, 2011

two hours at the Saturn dealership.....

ugh! They SAID it would only take an hour, but I knew it would be longer. Anyway, it gave me a chance to start What I talk about when I talk about running by Haruki Murakami. Wow! What a great book. I am 135 pages in (out of 179 pages). I suppose I COULD HAVE finished it at the dealership, but I began to get antsy and had to stretch my legs - then I realized how sore I was from the run yesterday. Also I started up a conversation with the grandma lady, also waiting for her car. She was funny in her grandma sweats and sighing every time the door opened.

But I didn't realize I would have so much in common with Mr. Murakami. He starts the book in Kauai and with, of course, running. I know what is like to see the "seasons" in Hawaii (summer is hot, fall is slightly less hot, winter is still hot, etc.). Also I know what fun it is, to have a quick rain shower, during a run.

Then the book jumps to Cambridge, Massachusetts and runs along the Charles River. Mr. Murakami lived there for a significant part of the year that he recorded in the book. Cambridge is where I began running. I remember those first runs, where 1 mile seemed a LONG way. I ran in the fall, because I was not coaching then. In the winter, nobody really can run in the cold and on the ice/snow....and in the spring, I fit in runs between lacrosse practice. I would also run around Fresh Pond. I remember having just one pair of running shorts.

But it is what Mr. Murakami said about running that made a impact.

1. He runs every day. Really, for more than 30 years (give or take that time he stopped running after a 62 mile race), he has run every day with no injuries. He averages running about 1 hour (6 miles). Some days it is 9 miles, others, it is just 3 miles.
2. He talks about how running maintains his weight, not really losing weight. I am well familiar with this concept as I have stayed the same weight for like FOREVER.
3. Finally, he makes all these comparisons between writing novels and running. How you have to run/write every day, yet always leave something in the tank for the next day. Run/write up to THAT point where you are finished, yet are not toast.

Can't wait to read the final chapter on the New York Marathon.

Anyway, it was the perfect read to encourage me to get out and run!
I did the exact same run as yesterday and it amazingly it felt easier....usually in my experience the second day is so much harder, maybe that is the mental part of the run.

What shall I do tomorrow?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

yay! and a run in the rain

Today is Tuesday, so it has been some time since my last post.

Let's see...... I did nothing on Friday and Saturday.....well, I ran errands on Friday, so I say that wandering the aisles of Barnes and Noble counts as a workout. I mean, I was there for hours - and finally found three books for that buy two, get one free deal. That has never happened, usually I find two, but then can't decide on the third. Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman about her year in jail (well, federal jail, but hey, I wouldn't want to be there), 1491 by Charles C. Mann about new revelations of the Columbus saga, and finally What I talk about when I talk about running by Haruki Murakami....wahoo, can't wait to read.

Saturday, I had to work on my stupid grad school assignment. It was brutal - write a lesson plan that integrates music with TWO other subjects, ugh!. I hope to at least get a decent score.

Sunday, I felt SO SICK - I could barely keep my eyes open and I was running a fever. I didn't really sleep Saturday night due to alarms, people arguing, bathroom trip, etc. So I didn't realize until 4 pm that I was so drowsy due to lack of caffeine (I skipped the cup of coffee and vitamin). Finally, I got fed up that I knew that I needed to get outside. What a great idea! It was such a nice night - I wore my new pink shorts - and while I did walk about 45 seconds slower than normal, it was just great to be outside. I saw other walkers, volleyball players, the Tai Chi people were displaced due to archery. 7 miles of pure freedom.

Monday, I decided to walk uphill to the Goodwill for a little shopping. Score - that book, Faithful Place by Tana French (ummm, actually I got lots more books) that I had just placed in my Amazon cart and two pairs of black pants.

So that brings us to today. After reading for pleasure (the Girl with Pearl Earning - from Goodwill - very nice and easy read), then some grad school reading, lunch, and a wonderful summer nap, it was time for my run that I promised myself I would do. But I awoke to the sound of rain. Oh no! But, sigh, I scheduled a run today. And usually here in Hawaii, the rain stops after 5 minutes, but not this evening. Based on the cloud cover, this drizzle was here to stay. I got dressed and did some recon on my walk to the check the mail. Well, I guess, if I walked past the bus stop (and people thinking I was crazy for running in the rain and bonus, I wouldn't slip on the metal grates), then started running, things would be okay. Since I had previously run straight for 5 minutes, I only had to beat that time.

I took it real, REAL slow. I wasn't sure how my newish shoes would handle on the sidewalks and I wanted to make it up the hill and beyond. At the 5 minute mark, I was climbing the hill. I quickly moved to the inside sidewalk, so I wouldn't stop at the crest. I slowed down at the top, but then charged down the hill, feeling pretty good. At the 12 minute mark, I was cruzing on the flat. At the 20 minute mark, I made it to the light. And I checked, running at a 9:40 pace, impressive! Should I continue straight and head for home? (22 min run), or should I wait for the light and see how much farther I could make it? Hmmmmm......Let's do this! It was so pleasant to run in the rain. I passed two other runners and we made eye contact and smiled. I wasn't the only crazy one out there.

Let's try it again tomorrow, okay?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I am a runner!

(ok, I just ran once, time will tell if this streak continues)

but I ran today....(sigh) not as far as I wanted........but a good 2.5 will be a while before I am back at full speed. BUT I am determined to keep going.

It was a cloudy day and I wasn't NOT in the mood for exercise. I literally pouted as I was changing into running clothes. The clouds were over the mountains (that is usual), but they were also looming over the beach, as well. It was a dark and stormy, night, wait, day. As I sat outside, on the steps, putting on socks and shoes, it started raining. Ugh! Boy, was God telling me something? My whole body wanted to go back inside and curl up with a good book....or more White Collar episodes with hunky Matt Bomer. With a sigh and a desperate need to be in shape for the beginning of school, I waited until it stopped and then began the journey, up the hill. No, I was not pleased with myself.

Since it was such a crummy day, I had this really BRIGHT idea. Maybe I should run instead. This way I could cut down on the outside time by half! What a perfect idea! This would be the kick in the ass that I needed.

I started SLOW.....and ran up the slope until the road ended....whew, time to walk down the hill. Then I ran the stretch by the cemetery and dog park. I even managed to beat out a biking couple as they struggled up the hill. Ha! I was running on the non-diamond head side of 18th st. They were on the diamond head side. As I sensed them to my right, I decided to give it my all and sprint (since I knew that I would be stopping at the top).....Mid-way, I thought, wouldn't it be funny if I passed them.....Haha! Then when I did (what were THEY doing?, they were on bikes!), I was really happy. Now time to stop sucking wind on the walk to 22nd st. I passed a homeless guy and 2 utilities worker, but I really was much more concerned with lowering my heart rate. I ran back along 22nd st and started walking again, so I could pass that wonderful garden with the endless basil growing.

Since, of course, it was now sunny, go figure, I decided to stay outside, instead of heading for home. I turned down Hunakai and headed for the very flat Farmers Rd. I spend the final 5 minutes running smoothly on the asphalt. I could get the hang of this thing called running

In all, a START.....I will try again tomorrow

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Farmers Market

Today I was awake at 3:30 am (just in time for the paper delivery - ugh!). Thankfully, I went back to sleep and got up at 7:15, so that I could go to the Farmers Market at KCC. While I hate getting up, getting dressed, and no coffee....once I start out, I love, love. The picture is what I purchased - tomatoes, curly leaf lettuce, japanese cucumbers, french bread, and a wonderful breakfast burrito! And the best part, a 60 minute brisk walk - half with "weights". Exercise accomplished for the day - and before 9 am.
Now, on to running tomorrow.

Friday, July 15, 2011

wow, a second post!

Today, I tried to get my exercising butt in gear.

But I woke up at exactly 1:26 am and stayed awake until 2:52. (I know, because if I was still awake at 3, then I was getting up to watch TV - I remember seeing the clock at 2:52). Then I feel asleep, woke up around 6:30, but went back to sleep - THANKFULLY NO WORKERS TODAY - didn't get up until 8:30. So then with breakfast (cheerios), I decided to finish Season 2 of Royal Pains.....ummm many hours later....

but I actually FELT like walking today. So I set out around 12:30......without lunch. I knew it would be a mistake, but I couldn't NOT go when I wanted. I walked for about 60 minutes, feeling awesome, realizing that my "rehab" was finished and that I would have to start running on Sunday. But then climbing Diamond Head, there was nothing in the tank. Why didn't I have a scoop of peanut butter before I left? I did manage to make my times (30 minutes to the weird bridge structure, 60 minuets to the Leahi sign), but I felt that I couldn't accelerate up Diamond Hill. Sigh!

Well, we will see how I feel tomorrow - and get ready for the run on Sunday. Wahoo!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

it has been a while

(sigh) it has been a really long time....since October, I think, but I am back...not running yet (I have been walking)....but soon...and blogging (for me) is just what I need to return to running.

Let's see, since October, I got too stressed out with grad school, teaching 8th grade, AND training for a marathon....something had to go, sadly that was running. But once I made that decision (around Thanksgiving), I felt like that it was the right one to do. I felt relief. Of course, I gained some weight and now feel less than positive about myself.....that will change, though

This year of teaching 8th grade was really...........weird? interesting? .........hmmm....can't find the words, but it was much different from any other year that I have taught. It took me A REALLY LONG TIME to really like my students. That is unusual. Well, I always like my students, but I am not always close to them. If that makes any sense. But I think I was still sitting in my classroom, alone, eating lunch, well, up until October/November. Haha! I remember one of my former students coming to visit, because she was concerned (ha!) that I was eating lunch alone. To be honest, I was excited that I could get work done at lunch and after school. But once I started movie club lunch, I was in my classroom every day. We had some great times! Best movies, the Mummy (and Mummy returns), Star Trek, and of course, Hawaii 5-0. Tuesday afternoons were reserved for Hawaii 5-0.....and if it wasn't Tuesday, we were discussing Hawaii 5-0. At the end of the year, I was staying after school, until 4:30, because I literally, could not kick the kids out. The final day, was exhausting, and I will miss every single student.

Grad school is equally exciting. And I have a 4.0 GPA after 6 classes (of course, I am nervous to admit that out loud - it is like talking about a no hitter, it ALWAYS jinxes it). But two things: 1) I didn't expect to enjoy the classes as much as I do and 2) it is really ALOT of work. Much more than I expected......well, I guess I don't have to do ALL the work (some of my classmates subscribe to this idea), but I am having a real hard time, not giving it my all. Simple papers turn into nine pages, and I can't believe that I completed a 25 page paper on the state of my school. Ultimately, I am happy. I am learning things/idea/lessons that I can bring to my students and become a better teacher. In the current class, I am learning about integrating the arts into my classroom.

So that leaves running. Ugh! I have a love/HATE relationship with it. But I really want to start training again. I really hated every single minute of running, but I felt really good afterwards. I want that again. My plan, right now, is to complete the 105 min walk every other day, for a week....until I actually feel like running....Today, I fell into my usual routine, I sat around the house and tried to come up with every reason not to walk (it is freakin walking - not even running, yet)....then really had to motivate myself into stepping outside. Once I did (THANK GOD), I felt wonderful and several hours later, I still feel great. I need to remember this for tomorrow.

Tomorrow's plan: 10 minute cardio, 10 min abs, and finish my paper due on Friday