Tuesday, July 26, 2011

yay! and a run in the rain

Today is Tuesday, so it has been some time since my last post.

Let's see...... I did nothing on Friday and Saturday.....well, I ran errands on Friday, so I say that wandering the aisles of Barnes and Noble counts as a workout. I mean, I was there for hours - and finally found three books for that buy two, get one free deal. That has never happened, usually I find two, but then can't decide on the third. Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman about her year in jail (well, federal jail, but hey, I wouldn't want to be there), 1491 by Charles C. Mann about new revelations of the Columbus saga, and finally What I talk about when I talk about running by Haruki Murakami....wahoo, can't wait to read.

Saturday, I had to work on my stupid grad school assignment. It was brutal - write a lesson plan that integrates music with TWO other subjects, ugh!. I hope to at least get a decent score.

Sunday, I felt SO SICK - I could barely keep my eyes open and I was running a fever. I didn't really sleep Saturday night due to alarms, people arguing, bathroom trip, etc. So I didn't realize until 4 pm that I was so drowsy due to lack of caffeine (I skipped the cup of coffee and vitamin). Finally, I got fed up that I knew that I needed to get outside. What a great idea! It was such a nice night - I wore my new pink shorts - and while I did walk about 45 seconds slower than normal, it was just great to be outside. I saw other walkers, volleyball players, the Tai Chi people were displaced due to archery. 7 miles of pure freedom.

Monday, I decided to walk uphill to the Goodwill for a little shopping. Score - that book, Faithful Place by Tana French (ummm, actually I got lots more books) that I had just placed in my Amazon cart and two pairs of black pants.

So that brings us to today. After reading for pleasure (the Girl with Pearl Earning - from Goodwill - very nice and easy read), then some grad school reading, lunch, and a wonderful summer nap, it was time for my run that I promised myself I would do. But I awoke to the sound of rain. Oh no! But, sigh, I scheduled a run today. And usually here in Hawaii, the rain stops after 5 minutes, but not this evening. Based on the cloud cover, this drizzle was here to stay. I got dressed and did some recon on my walk to the check the mail. Well, I guess, if I walked past the bus stop (and people thinking I was crazy for running in the rain and bonus, I wouldn't slip on the metal grates), then started running, things would be okay. Since I had previously run straight for 5 minutes, I only had to beat that time.

I took it real, REAL slow. I wasn't sure how my newish shoes would handle on the sidewalks and I wanted to make it up the hill and beyond. At the 5 minute mark, I was climbing the hill. I quickly moved to the inside sidewalk, so I wouldn't stop at the crest. I slowed down at the top, but then charged down the hill, feeling pretty good. At the 12 minute mark, I was cruzing on the flat. At the 20 minute mark, I made it to the light. And I checked, running at a 9:40 pace, impressive! Should I continue straight and head for home? (22 min run), or should I wait for the light and see how much farther I could make it? Hmmmmm......Let's do this! It was so pleasant to run in the rain. I passed two other runners and we made eye contact and smiled. I wasn't the only crazy one out there.

Let's try it again tomorrow, okay?

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