Wednesday, July 13, 2011

it has been a while

(sigh) it has been a really long time....since October, I think, but I am back...not running yet (I have been walking)....but soon...and blogging (for me) is just what I need to return to running.

Let's see, since October, I got too stressed out with grad school, teaching 8th grade, AND training for a marathon....something had to go, sadly that was running. But once I made that decision (around Thanksgiving), I felt like that it was the right one to do. I felt relief. Of course, I gained some weight and now feel less than positive about myself.....that will change, though

This year of teaching 8th grade was really...........weird? interesting? .........hmmm....can't find the words, but it was much different from any other year that I have taught. It took me A REALLY LONG TIME to really like my students. That is unusual. Well, I always like my students, but I am not always close to them. If that makes any sense. But I think I was still sitting in my classroom, alone, eating lunch, well, up until October/November. Haha! I remember one of my former students coming to visit, because she was concerned (ha!) that I was eating lunch alone. To be honest, I was excited that I could get work done at lunch and after school. But once I started movie club lunch, I was in my classroom every day. We had some great times! Best movies, the Mummy (and Mummy returns), Star Trek, and of course, Hawaii 5-0. Tuesday afternoons were reserved for Hawaii 5-0.....and if it wasn't Tuesday, we were discussing Hawaii 5-0. At the end of the year, I was staying after school, until 4:30, because I literally, could not kick the kids out. The final day, was exhausting, and I will miss every single student.

Grad school is equally exciting. And I have a 4.0 GPA after 6 classes (of course, I am nervous to admit that out loud - it is like talking about a no hitter, it ALWAYS jinxes it). But two things: 1) I didn't expect to enjoy the classes as much as I do and 2) it is really ALOT of work. Much more than I expected......well, I guess I don't have to do ALL the work (some of my classmates subscribe to this idea), but I am having a real hard time, not giving it my all. Simple papers turn into nine pages, and I can't believe that I completed a 25 page paper on the state of my school. Ultimately, I am happy. I am learning things/idea/lessons that I can bring to my students and become a better teacher. In the current class, I am learning about integrating the arts into my classroom.

So that leaves running. Ugh! I have a love/HATE relationship with it. But I really want to start training again. I really hated every single minute of running, but I felt really good afterwards. I want that again. My plan, right now, is to complete the 105 min walk every other day, for a week....until I actually feel like running....Today, I fell into my usual routine, I sat around the house and tried to come up with every reason not to walk (it is freakin walking - not even running, yet)....then really had to motivate myself into stepping outside. Once I did (THANK GOD), I felt wonderful and several hours later, I still feel great. I need to remember this for tomorrow.

Tomorrow's plan: 10 minute cardio, 10 min abs, and finish my paper due on Friday

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