Saturday, October 23, 2010

week 13


I think that accurately describes my long run today. I know........There are bound to be some bad runs....I am sick......and I still ran 10 miles, but still, ick!

Last night, my ONLY night to relax, I found myself sort of on edge. Ok, extremely on edge. I went to Barnes & Noble (my refuge) and found myself storming down the aisles. All the books I looked at, I had passed over before. I didn't want to spend money - I have stacks and stacks (AND STACKS) of book at home to read. Then I couldn't decide what I wanted for dinner. I had no energy to drive to Manoa. Panda Express (at the mall) while appealing seemed unhealthy. I didn't want to experience the craziness of Whole Foods on a Friday. I debated just going grocery shopping, but I wasn't going to cook something. In the end, I just ended up snacking. (Pickles and pretzels) Ugh! To top it all off, I usually try to be in bed at 8:30 pm (ummmm, I know that sounds early, but after a full week of teaching I am usually falling asleep at 7 pm - my friends can vouch for that). Yesterday, I was focused on school work at 10 pm. My brain shut off around 11 pm.

sickness + mood + dinner (or lack of) + late night = disaster run

Strangely my legs felt fine (usually I get shin splint towards the beginning of a run), but this time, I was wheezing after 3 miles. My throat was parched and I was beginning to cough. As I hit the first water fountain, I had to stop. Also NO ONE was outside in the morning and I was getting paranoid. Where were the people? When I run the backroads of Kahala that is nice, but when I get to a park, I depend on seeing people to keep me going. Hot guys, other runners, weirdly dressed tourists, whatever. I kept pushing towards the farmers market. I was bound to see hoards of people there. At the crosswalk by KCC, the cop made sure the woman running in the opposite direction (and downhill) got safely across the street, he left me to my own devices. Sigh! It is all downhill (for about 20 min) after that. Nice! But as I got to Kapiolani Park, I felt like I had nothing in the tank to keep going. (This point was emphasized when many runners passed me). I made an executive decision. I could suffer through Waikiki and probably end up walking or I could turn and complete my usually route. I chose to head home. 15 miles was not meant to be. Next week, I hope.

Although I am beginning to question if I really want to run the marathon. (Don't worry, I am still going to) But I started training, to lose some weight, get into shape, and to feel better about myself. SLOWLY, some pounds have been shed, I am in pretty good shape, and after a 10 miles run (I emphasize AFTER) I feel pretty good about myself. I never thought I could run that much and regularly. I do look forward to my long runs, because even though I hate running, I relax. 26.2 miles seems excessive at this point. If I can get myself to running about 15 miles, I think that is a good distance without harming my body. (That would be more than 2 hours of running)
So next week I get to think about: how can I start to enjoy and relax on my daily runs? (after teaching all day, they just feel like torture) and would I be committed to running and long runs, if I wasn't "training"?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

week 12

Dear blog,

(To quote another blogger), it has been way too long since we last connected. Let's catch up :-)

A long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away) I had a nice 10 mile run. It was a beautiful Hawaiian morning. Clouds over the mountains (first 2 miles), sun and more sun near the park (the rest of the run). I ran fast (well, not that fast - I still run a 10 minute mile). It felt good (to be finished).

Then I got sick. At first it was a sore throat and that achy feeling. Eck! I sent myself to bed. Next day, I was tired.....real tired. I sent myself to bed. That continued the rest of the week. Then the sneezing started. My poor students......they would ask me questions and I would start sneezing, coughing, and wheezing. They would start moving away (germs!) and then look extremely concerned when I couldn't breathe with tears streaming from my eyes. Every day was worse. I spent last weekend in bed. Instead of going for my Saturday long run, I was sneezing and coughing - entirely uncomfortable.

I hate being sick, but I learned I hated missing runs more. I thought it was wise to wait to run until at least I didn't need a tissue every minute and that I stopped wheezing.

Today I am still stuffed up, and I have soooooooooo much work. I need a break. (I need a vacation.) I decided I would try running for 20 minutes. Only 20 minutes - up the hill, then down the hill and back home. I plan on running 15 miles on Saturday so I needed to know if plans had to change.

As I laced up my shoes, I became worried. It has been a long time, and I still feel sick. The work (grading, researching a paper) was looming over my shoulder.

I started slow and instantly broke into a smile. Sigh! Oh running, we have such a love/hate relationship, but I have missed you. As I headed up the hill, I took a deep breath. Wait! I took a deep breath! I could BREATHE! While I didn't go far, I went far enough to know that I am running 15 miles this weekend :-)

Monday, September 27, 2010

another week

ok - I can't believe it has been an entire week since my last post. I really try to run (and update) but work, school, and my pitiful social life keeps me busy.

arghhhhh! venting time!!!! I have never been so busy!!!

last week I diligently tackled my grad school assignments on Monday and Tuesday. I read 3 chapters each day and watched 2 videos each day....usually that is all the background work I have to do (even though that is ALOT!!!), and on Tuesday I have time to outline my paper due on Wednesday. Not last week. Ok - no problem I thought, I have a large chunk of time on Wednesday - I can start while my students have PE. Bad idea, I still needed to watch a video, THAT WAS AN HOUR LONG. Good thing it was really interesting! A teacher from Canada who allowed her history class to be filmed and was highlighting a differentiated classroom. Anyway, basically I flew out of school Wednesday afternoon, headed home, wrote my paper in ONE HOUR, and headed back for Parent Night. Paper ended up not bad, but I don't think I want that stress again. Parent Night was also a success.

back to running

due to Parent Night (and complete exhaustion) I only ran on Monday. But Saturday I woke up at the crack of dawn (aka 5:50 am) to go on my long run. This week, there were no clouds. That meant a SUPER hot run even at 6 am. That was just one of my many problems. Friday night (for my allotted social time) I had an extremely unhealthy FATTY dinner. It was wonderful - Filipino
food - I had lechon (pork with fat and crunchy pork skin) and pork adobo. But not much fuel for the run the next day. I also didn't hydrate very much (unless that glass of white wine counted). Then I am going through my insomnia period so I didn't get much sleep all week. Finally, my mind wasn't on running. I was thinking about everything I had to do over the weekend (more reading, another paper, grading of quizzes, planning classes). Ugh! Running for me, is about 150% mental. I can totally psyche myself out of running. As a result it took me about 45 minutes to get into the groove. I decided that I would just run around Diamond Head and then head for home. I mean it was good that I was even outside. Total: 3 miles around Kahala, 5 miles around Diamond Head, water break, and 1.5 miles home.

Today, even though I am still exhausted, I actually felt like running. Those days are rare. So even though I was in my comfy PJs. I changed into running gear and took off. The sun was setting so I couldn't go far (I was in black) I decided to go FAST. 2.6 miles at 9 min pace. Wahoo!

This week I head to camp with my students. I will take lots of pics and post. I am excited because I love, love, LOVE to go to camp. The North Shore is beautiful - we hike to the Northern most point on the island. I get to know my advisory REAL well since I spend 3 days/2 nights with them.....and I have my annual run along the beach. This year, I will try to get 5 miles out there (I suspect it will be slightly less since I will run out of road)

aloha :-)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday update

aloha! just wanted to write........I RAN ON A MONDAY! Wahoo! I haven't done that for a while.
It was just a quick run (4 miles), but I ran a different route (sort of reverse the normal one). I programed my ipod for distance rather than time. So I kept waiting for the mechanical female voice to say something. At home I looked in the mirror and was horrified at how much I was sweating. I wore a pink shirt which usually hides the sweat, but not today! OMG!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

week 9

well, I've been bad this week.....I skipped all but my Tuesday run.....and I really wouldn't really call Tuesday a run. Starting off on my normal route, I decided to see how fast I could go. I picked up the pace up the hill, as a result I stopped at the top to walk. I walked into the valley (which I had never been that far into, and found out there is an even steeper hill). Then I ran down the hill, back around the loop and then home. Total: only 4 miles.

I am not sure what was going on with me. I was completely exhausted everyday. I had so much grad school work. Reading, writing, more reading. I am beginning to dislike being a student.....ha! if my students could listen to me now. They might even convince me to stop giving homework. I am not really sure if I will make it thru this next week. I sneaked a look at the is almost double what I did this week. (sigh!)

of course, I still made time for my long run on Saturday. Nothing will stop me from that.....ha again! I would have never thought a 10 mile run would be on my MUST DO list. I wore my new shoes. Hideously ugly, right? But really cheap. As I laced up my shoes, I realized that it might not be wise to test out new shoes on a long run, but whatever. I was a wild mix of color. Bright orange shirt, black capris and my new purple shoes. 3 miles in, it started to rain.....Not drizzle, but actual downpour. It is really rare for rain in Kahala. The rain stayed with me as I ran along Diamond Head. I was the only one outside on Saturday morning.....eerie, but cool. Again, I am a hard core runner, out while others sleep. At KCC and the farmers market I almost got run over by a truck with a cop standing by.....thanks, man. The rain stopped as I made it to Kapiolani park. Suddenly I was in the middle of a run/walk race. Women in blue shirts, volunteers marking the route, more cops. I passed a slow runner (yay!) but then got smoked by a well-built guy. To avoid the parade in Waikiki (and the meth addicts), I decided I would continue up the hill of Diamond Head. This summer to get ready for running I used to walk this Diamond Head route (it is super steep - but with a great view). I had never made it running.......UNTIL NOW! The only problem was my shoes, which were slippery on the new concrete sidewalk. I slowed down so I wouldn't fall on my face. I weaved my way back home and it started raining again. Once again I was alone. But excited about what I have accomplished. I still have another 2 weeks of 10 mile long runs. But I think I am ready to push myself a bit more. Ha, a third time!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

week 8

Yay! I have followers now.....I am not really sure what that means, but I know people are reading my blog.

Since my last post, I have only run once. But my long run was......interesting, let's say.

According to my schedule I was supposed to run 6 miles. At this point in my training, I am not sure why I dropped down in mileage (last week's goal 115 minutes which equaled about 10 miles since I only went about 105 minutes). I should probably check in with fellow runners. Are they resting after a bug hurdle? Also I am basing my training on Dawn Dais. She did mention that she is a slow runner (although I consider myself a slow running, my pace is about a 10 min mile, slow I guess can be relative). Maybe her 115 minutes is only about 8 miles

....anyway, this week I decided to stick with 10 miles and 115 minutes of running. I ran a different route (actually around diamond head, thru Waikiki, around Fort Derussy Park, ending at an ABC store). It was tough. I definitely felt it afterwards; I was limping around the library the rest of the day, but I MADE IT!!!!!!.... here is where it gets interesting.....and maybe I should avoid Waikiki. The Diamond Hill side is scenic. There is the aquarium, zoo, and Kapiolani park, all very safe. Tourists are out and about, even at 7 am, around their hotels. But this Saturday, as I ran, I saw the homeless, the walks of shame, and the meth addicts....hmmmm....I even saw someone actually smoking meth. Next week I think I will change the route.

My challenge for myself this on Monday. Last two Mondays I have been too tired, too hungry, too much work, to run. I've got to motivate myself - even if I don't go far, at least I get out there. The first run of the week WILL be hard, no matter what I do, but I've got to get past it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

week 7

aloha - I haven't written in awhile.....the teacher headed back to school herself..... and I guess I didn't quite realize how busy I would be. And will be for 1 and 1/2 years.

I am not sure how I am going to handle my more than full time job, training for a marathon AND getting a masters degree. So far every spare moment has been cramming some reading and my "homework" assignments have kept me up WAY past my bedtime. I haven't talked to my family in about 2 weeks.

ok - my fun teacher story. One of my classes was completing a lab - so they looked cute in their goggles and aprons. I accidentally turned on my itunes, "Hey Soul Sister" by Train came on the speaker. Suddenly my WHOLE class broke out in song. "Heyeh.....Heyaaaayeh..." I just had to smile. I excited, they also like GLEE - so we danced to "Don't stop believing" next.

back to running :-)

Saturday's long run was both good and bad.

GOOD, because I went 10 miles (more than the previous week), remembered to bring money, and headed home earlier, so I wouldn't be as far away from home (and water, bathroom, bed, etc). But BAD because I was suppose to go for about 2 hours. 9 miles went by faster than last week, but after that, my body gave up on me. I hit the 10 mile mark, in the bright sun, as I was headed up one side of Diamond Head (the easier side) and had to walk.....So if I want to end my long run on flat ground, I have to run thru Waikiki into town (get ready to walk 3 miles home) or run several times around Kapiolani park (boring!!!!). The next long run, I am scheduled to run ONLY 6 miles (I can't help cracking up :-) But I will probably try for 10 miles.

To recap this week: Skipped run on Monday to get some reading done for school.....Tuesday's planned 60 min run ended after 35 min, shin splits, shuffling feet, even after 30 minutes I wasn't in the groove and I still had to write my paper for school (write the speech I will give at graduation.....interesting assignment).

I have also decided I REALLY NEED new running shoes (Nike Free are too small, second pair should arrive in the next few days.) and that I need to eat an afternoon snack. Lunch is at 11:30 am. There is no way I can do that and still run at 4 pm. I must remember to snack/hydrate about 45 minutes before a run.

Wednesday is meeting day - good thing I made it rest day - too exhausted to get outside.

Brings us to today.....yay! I had energy at the end of the school day....yay! I dug out old running shoes to try......I decided to try for the elusive 60 minutes....The shin splints arrived at about the 15 min mark. I really have to learn how to focus my mind off the pain. I have heard of people who meditate while running. How do they do that? They can't be in Hawaii - since I am convinced cars don't seem to see me when I run and sidewalks have these obstacles. Are these the same people who feel those endorphins while running? I really think these people are urban legends.

I made it to 35 minutes before stopping to asses my blister situation. I forgot, these were the shoes I used to run the marathon. For some reason, I was often plagued with SERIOUS blisters on both feet. After walking for a bit, I finished up the 25 min.

I now have huge blisters on my feet (will they heal before Saturday?) and more reading to do for class. But I am content. I got out there to run.......well, that and I am watching football (yay! NFL season opener!)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

week 6

It is midway thru the week, y'all. Again, this work thing is getting in the way of running. Ah, to be independently wealthy.....I mean I love, love, LOVE my job :-) what other job entertains with girls breaking out into gLee songs and boys breaking into snickers over a homework assignment called "What's in the sack?" (after the Shel Silverstein poem). Later in the year, I even get paid to watch movies at lunch.

Monday, after an "easy" day of classes, I was so exhausted. I got home and put on my running gear, but it was still too hot to get outside. So I picked up a book......2 hours later, I woke up. Oops! After dinner, I was asleep again.

Yesterday, I HAD to run. But I was so tired after school. I could have napped again. My shins started smarting after only a mile, I limped on. I felt like a turtle....wait, I am sure a turtle could have passed me. I thought it would get better as I warmed up. NO! Double NO! The entire 55 minutes was pain. I even scuffed up my shoes, because I kept dragging my feet. On the positive side, when I went to the Nike + stats, I had run 5.6 miles. So maybe turtle wasn't an apt description. Anyway, glad it was over.

Today I felt like I had a little more energy. I was excited to run. I got dressed thinking about the hill and running by the park. I even switched shoes and went with the Addias trail. Awesome idea, because my foot felt cushioned. No real pain in the first 20 minutes, I did have to stop to tie my shoe. Also to walk about the second (mini) hill because the recent rain had left a muddy trail and I didn't want to fall. In the end, I ran 6 miles. Not bad.

I will try to run once more during the work week and then prep for the long run on Saturday.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

end of week 5

Well, this post is titled "Before I ran 9 miles and After I ran 9 miles (aka I can't believe I freakin ran 9 miles)"

School started and I can definitely see why running was so challenging for me last year. Life was great when I had no schedule. I lazed around all day (read, slept, ate) and then it felt great to get outside and run.

I was scheduled to run light on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday leading up to the dreaded long run today (Saturday).

After meetings all day on Monday, the last thing I wanted to do was run. But I did and it was tortuous. 45 minutes. Arrhhhh! My body hurt the entire time.

Tuesday brought a first.....I skipped a run. I was just so tired (again, meetings sucked my energy) and I knew that it was going to another bad one.

I decided to run on Wednesday. The run was actually better than the previous one. But again, I was exhausted the entire time. My pace was so slow....I was even passed by a woman running on the other side of the street....quite depressing.

Then with the first day with the kiddies, a long day of get to know you games and classes there was NO WAY I was going to run. I think I even went to bed at 7 pm. I thought it wise to rest up for the big run today.

Needless to say I was very nervous for the long run. Last week I ran for 60 minutes. How in the world was I going to do that and then continue for another 30 minutes? Especially after these two bad runs.....I kept thinking, "This is it. I can't possibly run a marathon. What was I thinking?"

So I tried to visualize myself having a wonderful run. I read some of John "The Penguin" Bingham's book, the Courage to Start. He is called the Penguin because he runs, but is maybe at the back of the pack, waddling. He writes of enjoying running when real young, but because he was so bad at it, stopped. Sounds very familiar.

I mapped out my route. I decided to run my usual route (4 or so miles), then I would get to the hill at Diamond Head. If I continued into Waikiki, then I could get 5 miles on nice flat ground.
Friday night I set out my running clothes and set my alarm for dawn.

And so, I set out, as the sun was coming up. I thought about how nice it would feel when I finished. I could read and hydrate the rest of the day.

As usual the first 2 miles (20 min) were painful. The sidewalk was steamy as I clopped along. My pace felt uneven. My calves burned. But after that, life was good (well, maybe not good, but I didn't stop).

I saw three fellow teachers on my way into Waikiki. It felt great to be outside and there were many people running. I actually got stuck behind one of the marathon training groups. I hope their pace was slow because I zipped right by them. With 20 minutes to go, I knew I could make it. With 10 minutes, my feet did begin to tire. But I was hard core determined to get back to the Diamond Head side of Waikiki and make 9 miles. Wahoo! I can't believe that I did it!

But I learned two things
1) I should carry money with me - because at the end of the long run in Waikiki I wanted a Gatorade, or coffee, or frozen yogurt, or that cute T shirt in the store. I passed a craft fair and the farmers market.
2) It may be a good idea to map my route better. After 9 miles, I still had to walk 3 miles home....that took an hour.

in the end, a very good day
keep on running :-)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

end of week 4

Today's run should be titled "Where is the bathroom?"

Even though I went before starting, most of the run was thinking about finding the nearest bathroom. I feel so hard core....I kept on running. (Last run, I ran the last mile with something in my eye - there was tearing and I ran with one eye closed). Mind totally off the pain of running.

Today was another good run.....weird, right?

I wanted to wake up early and run at 6 am, but insomnia kicked in and I didn't really get sleep. So I decided that I should sleep (and nap later) and go for my usual 4 pm run.

At 4 pm, the sun was still pretty strong, but I charged up the hill. Detouring to go by the park (and seeking bathroom) AGAIN, football dads. Jeez, no matter what time I run, they are always there. At least today, I was wearing their colors (red and black) and got some waves. Game was in the final stretch. It really is amazing that the first 20 minutes are painful, but after that, I get into a groove. The wide roads of Kahala are great, I can shuffle along in the streets. Today for 60 min

Looking forward to next week.....will be interesting since school starts.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

week 4

So I am kind of liking this running thing :-)

OMG! Not while running or anything - I still hate the actual running. I really have to motivate myself to even get out there. But you know that after feeling when you are finished.....even better in the hot shower.....

This week I ran Monday (50 min - an okay run, I didn't really push myself and at times I felt tired, calves burned) and Tuesday (50 min - one of those wonderful runs. I don't have too many, but I accelerated up the steep hill. At the light, I really didn't feel like stopping. I kept going, even to Kahala Ave with its muddy grass and obstacles)

Wednesday rest day!

Today's run was also a good one. I mixed up the route. Instead of turning into the flat before the hill (where I usually get my mind ready to tackle a steep incline), I kept running. Not much fun, because the road curves, so it looks like the end is near, but it actually keeps going. But then there is the sweet descent. I didn't even feel tired when I waited for the light. 2.25 miles in. I can't even believe that once this distance was a challenge. I walk across the light until the next block (and light) because if I run that short distance I feel stupid. Here I turned and started on my second journey. Not even halfway done. Instead of going around the park, I decided to take a tour of Kahala. The roads are freshly paved and few cars, means I can run in the streets. With about 20 minutes to go, I cross paths with another runner. Her route took her about 30 seconds ahead of me. Today I had all sorts of energy, I ended up passing her. Wahoo! In the end 57 min of running, 5.5 miles.

I have even lost a pound! Ha! (I am not really worried about weight - but I do find it hilarious that I have run so much (about 18 miles this week) and my weight doesn't really change.)

Tomorrow is another rest day before the final long run. It is only 60 minutes so I know that I can accomplish it. The question, do I keep the same route or do I mix it up?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

end of week 3

I will alter my favorite quote from the movie Little Giants.

"Just remember, football (or running!!!) is 80% mental and 40% physical"

That is so true. Finally, a good run follows a bad one. The task this morning: get up BEFORE 6 am and set out on a 60 min run. After the disaster run, I was questioning everything. Could I make it up the steep hill? Would I be able to make it around Fort Ruger Park? For me, running is mostly mental, after 20 minutes, I can usually keep going - but that first 20 minutes, it is brutal. I am sucking some serious wind and everything hurts.

Hooray! I made it and home by 7:30. It was so weird the rest of the day knowing that my run was behind me. Ha! Maybe I even get up early tomorrow for my Sunday run.

....and big observation! There are so many freakin people out early on a Saturday!!! I normally run around 4 pm. I may see one or two runners on the bigger streets and then there are the Football Dads watching their sons in the park. (There is usually one dad standing in the middle of the sidewalk who doesn't see me until the rest of group starts yelling and then they all step out of the way.) But mostly running has been solitary. Me, myself, and I with my "I hate running" thoughts.

But today, there were TONS of people, running and walking. AT FREAKIN 6 am! I saw a nice old couple walking up the steep hill and when I passed by the park, parents were dropping off kids. Eek! A soccer game at 6:30 am. When I looped around, guess who was standing in my way.....Football Dads! I think they were as surprised to see me as I was them. I got some excited "Howzits". But it was too early. There was a makeshift dogpark in Hunakai park and then a road race on Diamond Hill Rd. Darn, I could have joined in. It seemed like everybody and their mother was out and about.

Well, I guess I see them all next week.

Keep on running :-)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 3

Arrrgh!!!!! After a really good run, there must be a bad one. A really sucky one. A truly awful one. (Is my point clear?) So week 3 began with two 40 min runs on Monday and Tuesday, followed by a 45 min run today (Thursday).

Tuesday's run was wonderful. I realized that my shoe choice might have something to do with it. I alternate (to save money) between Addias trail shoes and Nike Zooms. I love Addias because that is what I ran the marathon with. I also get them cheap ($35) from the outlet. But when I run with the Nike's, I feel so light and airy. The second 40 min run (while not easy) was better. So much so, that I ordered my marathon shoes, a pair of Nike Free's. They supposedly mimic running barefoot. I am not so sure, how they will be. I don't run barefoot, but all the reviews are extremely positive. confirmed, they have shipped!

But today. Double Arrrgh! The real problem was that I did not eat lunch. By the time I finished organizing my classroom and getting supplies from Walmart. It was too late to eat, if I was going to run at 4 pm. Mistake! (although if I ate, then the run would be unbearable because I would be nauseous). I ran 42 mintutes and then walked home (took me 20 minutes). Tomorrow I promise I will hydrate. I will eat carbs + protein at lunch and I will retry the 45 minute route.

I will leave you with a message on a running shirt.
" I run light a girl. Try to keep up."

Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 2

I'm back from Boston, after a successful baby shower. I even managed to sneak in three runs in Boston (one long, two short) between all that cleaning, balloon picking up, and having fun with family.

I must emphasize how nice it was to run with my marathon partner, Karli. It really does take your mind off of how awful running is. We had nice chats about family, work, TV shows.....I am glad that Karli and I run at a similar pace (although I suspect that she will get faster as time goes by and I will get slower). As Dawn Dais writes running partners "will provide you with more support than a sports bra ever could"

I really should title this blog, "How much I hate running". Today's run was blah. I started with such a nice slow jog (I matched my pace to my music - Tattoo by Jordin Sparks)....but I must have sprinted up the hill and tired myself out. By the time I hit the halfway point, I was real, REAL slow. I had to walk a bit, after the light. But then instead of continuing up Kilauea Ave (I missed the light)....I zagged to the left and went by two parks. There was a little boy who was learning how to ride a bike - with training wheels. I felt like cheering along with Mom and Dad. Then I saw one of my rascal students (ugh!). By this time, I was warmed up and hobbled down Hunakai St. to the very end. 47 min and 4.3 miles. Tomorrow's 50 minute run should be real interesting. I will TRY to get it out of the way in the morning and run around Diamond Head (it is part of the marathon!!!)

Other random thoughts.....I finally spoke to my neighbor today (after 4 years???). She was getting out of a car as I was walking to the mailbox. I think we both had the same thought - I could see it in her face - "oh no! we are going to have to talk to each other". But we had a pleasant conversation about working out. I have no idea what her name is....and we probably won't speak again for another 4 years. She says she doesn't run (and would rather lift) because she tries to GAIN weight! (I must mention she is a twig).

Which leads me to my last point. I take comfort in Dawn Dais's book, because she did all that running and did not lose a single pound. I am seeing a similar thing. My metabolism must be at a crawl. At the beginning of the summer I walked 8 miles every day (burned about 800 calories - not that I count calories - every day), and I am still at the same weight. Amazing!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 1: Day 6

Aloha Beantown (or Boston),

I arrived on Thursday July 29th for my sister's baby shower (which is tomorrow). Thursday and Friday, I didn't exercise at all (jet lag and too much to do for the shower).

However, today (Saturday) I went for a great run with my marathon partner, Karli. It is so much better to have a running partner. Even if there is little talking (because I am sucking wind or thinking about how unpleasant running is), it is nice to have someone pound the pavement next to me.

After two rest days, I was surprised how good it felt to run. As always, it is tough to start. Even though it was 9 am, it was beginning to get hot out. But once I had run for 20 min, I felt like I could run forever. My route near my parents house is flat and winds through the various housing developments. Normally I run about 25 min (2.5 miles) out and back. Today since the schedule called for a 45 minute run, I ran the route twice. When I ran up my driveway, I was rewarded with an AMAZING 55 min run. I hope all runs will be like that.....but (sigh) I know that they will not be.

that is all for today......

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Week 1: Day 3

I am writing this before I run because I have to say goodbye to my computer for a few days while it gets refreshed. I pray that I did indeed back everything up (yes, I am paranoid - I have triple checked and backed up in two places)

Today's run will be in the heat of the day (ugh!) as I have to get on a plane in the early evening. I am scheduled to run for 40 minutes - but yay! - tomorrow no running for me. I think I will try to do the hilly loop twice (that is at the beginning), because otherwise I would have see the end of my usual run and keep going. Knowing how I feel at the end, I might not make it.

Today I will need some inspiration. Current picture on my fridge reads "My running partner and I have never met. We run together every day, I'm just not sure he's aware of it. We haven't had any deep conversation or anything, but last week I made the first move. I gathered the courage to say, "On your left" Fitting I think, because the background is the public gardens in destination for a week. (Did you know that the bridge in the picture is the world's smallest suspension bridge?)


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 1: Day 2


I may as well continue with Day 2. I promise that I will be much shorter.

Today's schedule called for another 35 minute run. My regular route calls for 5 minutes up a gentle slope. Then 10 minutes up a steep hill. The rest is all down hill and then flat. Although the end is lots of lights (by the mall), so I am constantly starting and stopping. (Today I certainly did not mind....and I controlled my impulse to let my ipod keep recording the time) I'll try to bring my phone along next time to take some pictures.

I am such a bad runner. My mind messes me up. I was actually quite fast up the hill, about 10 seconds ahead of my normal pace. That was awesome! I actually got chills, as the music, my mind, and legs all were in sync. Then comes the long haul as I begin calculating that I still have a long way to go. I really hate running. After I pass the halfway mark, I begin to relax (a bit - I still hate running). My body warms up around the 22 minute mark and thankfully I now hit some lights so I can take a break. I love that my iPod counts down the last 5 minutes and I stumble along to the finish.

Although something that has never happened before.....I felt really nauseous when I get home. Eew!!! What is up with that? I don't want my mind to connect that with running. I feel better laying on the floor as I read more of Dawn Dais' book. (Ha! She is laying on the floor as well)

okay - that is all for now....tomorrow is another day
Runner's World Quote of the Day: "Nobody ever drowned in sweat"

Week 1: Day 1

Technically, this is actually Week 1: Day 2, but the organized part of me can't start my blog on Day 2. So I will just begin with background.

I picked up Dawn Dais's book " The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide for Women". Hilarious! Just what I needed to get ready for the Honolulu marathon that I already signed up for.

Let's talk about my running experience. I can't say that I have EVER enjoyed running. In high school I remember training for some sport over the summer. I got up very early and ran up the block, down some stairs, and around a soccer field with my German Shepard, Spud. When it rained, Spud was sad when I went back to bed. I didn't make the team and so I stopped running. My senior year in college, I ran with my volleyball playing friend three times a week. We ran in some forest, three times a week. Again when it rained, I went back to bed, but having a running partner made me get outside more. I also remember that I always started strong, outpacing my friend, but in the end she always beat me. Then life happened. I got a job. I was married. I gained lots of weight. I got divorced and lost lots of weight. I finally moved 2000 miles away from friends and family and began life in Hawaii. Nice! I have a fabulous job and I am working on having an equally fabulous social life. Hmmm.....that is slow going.

Two years ago I ran my first marathon in 6 hours, 30 min. I really can't believe that I did it! My fellow running partner basically did all the work and I was just along for the ride. Our plan was that we would run 6 miles, walk 1, run 5, walk 1, run 4, walk 1....and you can guess the rest of the pattern. So for training, I don't think we ran further than 13 miles (although that was a huge accomplishment). The actual marathon was ok - we ran about 9 miles before walking for a few minutes. About the 15 mile marker, I learned that it was more painful to start or stop running. At 20 miles (right about when I could turn one way and continue the race or turn the other way and limp home) I hit my wall and I think cried. But I kept going and waddled to the finish line.

This time, I am sans running partner. I am determined to run my second marathon on my own terms and my goal is to beat my first time (God - I don't think I can be any slower).

So Week 1: Day 1 was on July 26th. I ran for 35 minutes.