Saturday, August 14, 2010

end of week 3

I will alter my favorite quote from the movie Little Giants.

"Just remember, football (or running!!!) is 80% mental and 40% physical"

That is so true. Finally, a good run follows a bad one. The task this morning: get up BEFORE 6 am and set out on a 60 min run. After the disaster run, I was questioning everything. Could I make it up the steep hill? Would I be able to make it around Fort Ruger Park? For me, running is mostly mental, after 20 minutes, I can usually keep going - but that first 20 minutes, it is brutal. I am sucking some serious wind and everything hurts.

Hooray! I made it and home by 7:30. It was so weird the rest of the day knowing that my run was behind me. Ha! Maybe I even get up early tomorrow for my Sunday run.

....and big observation! There are so many freakin people out early on a Saturday!!! I normally run around 4 pm. I may see one or two runners on the bigger streets and then there are the Football Dads watching their sons in the park. (There is usually one dad standing in the middle of the sidewalk who doesn't see me until the rest of group starts yelling and then they all step out of the way.) But mostly running has been solitary. Me, myself, and I with my "I hate running" thoughts.

But today, there were TONS of people, running and walking. AT FREAKIN 6 am! I saw a nice old couple walking up the steep hill and when I passed by the park, parents were dropping off kids. Eek! A soccer game at 6:30 am. When I looped around, guess who was standing in my way.....Football Dads! I think they were as surprised to see me as I was them. I got some excited "Howzits". But it was too early. There was a makeshift dogpark in Hunakai park and then a road race on Diamond Hill Rd. Darn, I could have joined in. It seemed like everybody and their mother was out and about.

Well, I guess I see them all next week.

Keep on running :-)

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