Monday, August 8, 2011

you know you are a runner when.....

the wind blows dirt into your eyes....your brain thinks &@#$ are blinded....

YET you keep on running!
It was weird, I was in so much pain AND couldn't see a thing, but I plugged along until the pain went away and my vision returned.

So let's update:
I last posted on Thursday and I have run every day since then. Let me just say that again, because it is that impressive. I RAN EVERY FREAKIN DAY! I don't remember the last time I ran on a Saturday or Sunday. This 30 day challenge is keeping me motivated. I'm thinking it is like a baseball streak (go Dan Uggla!). I want it to continue and that is making me lace up those shoes.

Friday's run was the one with the dirt - so it was ok

Saturday's run was in addition to a 60 minute walk to Farmers market, Post Office, and bookstore (hey, I had to pick up September's Issue of Runners World). I convinced myself that a short run was ok, and I had to get back to finish my grad school paper. Sigh, the paper was a struggle as I just couldn't see the larger picture. Intro and main part was really well written, but I had no time for a conclusion. So the paper just ended. I also turned it in about an hour late. Double sigh!

Sunday was when I hit a wall. Around 5 pm, I seriously wanted to take a nap. My body was soooooooo tired. I pulled out all the tricks: I got dressed in my running gear. I weighed myself. I took out clothing that I really hope to wear again. I pulled out the running magazines. Nothing was working. I really just didn't want to go out there and run up that killer hill.

But the streak cannot end!
I put on shoes and walked to the gate. Okay, I can do this. Impulse decision - new running route! Basically I decided that I couldn't handle hills, I needed flat roads. I crossed the street and just started running. I was tired, so I did move slow. But I just improvised as I went. Turn left, use crosswalk, rest at light, go by park, take flat road, wind back to my street. It ended up being a decent run - go figure!

Today was alright as well. I headed uphill towards Diamond Head. The steep incline at the beginning was a challenge (and I had to stop at all the roads because so many cars). But I took each section, one at a time. Slow on the severe downhill. Kept the pace on 18th st - including the uphill by the dog park. I kept plodding along. 30 minutes later and it was OVER!

I am excited about tomorrow. I think I will repeat today and maybe add a little to the end. Only thing I am worried about: my college roommate is visiting (she SHOULD be here by now, but thanks to a mechanic issue, she is currently at LAX, awaiting take-off, 5 hour, almost 6 hour delay). I'll need to take her out - hopefully that won't alter my running schedule too much. I would really prefer not to run in the heat of the day.

Ciao for now - I think I need to take a nap, before Krazy K's arrival!

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